Список уроков курса English for life: Pre-Intermediate

Предлагаем ознакомиться с уроками курса English for life: Pre-Intermediate. В настоящее время для Вас доступны первые два урока, которые можно пройти совершенно бесплатно, перейдя по ссылке соответствующего урока.

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№ урока

Тема урока


Lesson 1 Introduction and nationalities Whereabouts? Бесплатно
Lesson 2 Question forms: be, have got, do
Pronunciation: The phonemic alphabet
Lesson 3 Listen and speak: Registering at a language school
Giving your date of birth
English in the world: Saying email addresses
10 руб.
Lesson 4 Story: That`s Life! Episode 1 Russell returns
Asking about people
10 руб.
Lesson 5 Jobs: a plumber, a studio, repair things, etc.
Word building 1: I drive a lorry. I`m a lorry driver, etc.
10 руб.
Lesson 6 Present simple 10 руб.
Lesson 7 Read and speak: My job
Adverbs of frequency
English in the world: 24/7
10 руб.
Lesson 8 Making appointments: Dates and times
Prepositions of time: in, on, at
Pronunciation: Word stress 1
10 руб.
Lesson 9 Collocations: do the ironing, make the bed, have breakfast, etc.
Pronunciation: Stress in expressions
10 руб.
Lesson 10 Past simple statements
to be
10 руб.
Lesson 11 Listen and write: A story
because and so
English in the world: Moving house
10 руб.
Lesson 12 Story: That`s Life! Episode 2 Money problems
Responding to information
10 руб.
Lesson 13 Life events: grow up, fall in love, get married, etc.
Years: 1969, 2005, etc.
English in the world: Going to university
10 руб.
Lesson 14 Past simple: questions and short answers 10 руб.
Lesson 15 Read and speak: A biography
Infinitive of purpose
10 руб.
Lesson 16 Responding to news
Pronunciation: Intonation
10 руб.
Lesson 17 At the station: the fare, a local train, first class, etc.
Pronunciation: Word stress 2
10 руб.
Lesson 18 Present continuous
Present continuous and present simple
10 руб.
Lesson 19 Listen and speak: In a taxi
want, like, need
English in the world: Transport signs
10 руб.
Lesson 20 Story: That`s Life! Episode 3 The woman with a camera
Offering and asking for help
10 руб.
Lesson 21 Directions and locations: along the street, over the bridge, at the top of the hill
Pronunciation: of short forms
10 руб.
Lesson 22 Past continuous 10 руб.
Lesson 23 Read and write: An unusual event
Past continuous and past simple: when, while
10 руб.
Lesson 24 Giving directions: traffic lights, a roundabout, a junction, etc.
English in the world: Speed limits
10 руб.
Lesson 25 The world: Asia, The Atlantic, Mount Everest, etc.
Articles with geographical names
Pronunciation: Word stress 3
10 руб.
Lesson 26 going to: statements, questions, and short answers 10 руб.
Lesson 27 Listen and write: A round-the-world race
Large numbers
English in the world: Races
10 руб.
Lesson 28 Story: That`s Life! Episode 4 I`ve got some news!
Expressing doubt
10 руб.
Lesson 29 Describing people: tall, middle-aged, slim, etc.
Modifiers: quite, not very, etc.
English in the world: Tactful language
10 руб.
Lesson 30 Adjectives and adverbs
Verbs + adjective: be, look, taste, sound
10 руб.
Lesson 31 Read and write: A personality quiz
Expressing likes and dislikes: love, don`t mind, etc. + ing
10 руб.
Lesson 32 At the shops: prices and descriptions
one / ones
Pronunciation: Sentence stress
10 руб.
Lesson 33 TV programmes: a documentary, a sitcom, etc.
Word building 2: a music programme
English in the world: TV channels
10 руб.
Lesson 34 Present perfect: statements, questions, and short answers
Experiences: ever / never
10 руб.
Lesson 35 Listen and write: The news
Present perfect with present result
Pronunciation: The letter o
10 руб.
Lesson 36 Story: That`s Life! Episode 5 Jordan`s party
Expressing opinions 1
10 руб.
Lesson 37 Health problems: My arm itches, I`ve got a rash, etc.
Possessive adjectives
10 руб.
Lesson 38 Present perfect and past simple 10 руб.
Lesson 39 Read and write: Advice for travellers
Giving advice
Pronunciation: Plural -es endings
10 руб.
Lesson 40 At the doctor`s
English in the world: Health services
10 руб.
Lesson 41 Cooking: a saucepan, roast, slice, etc.
Verbs and adjectives: fried, boiled, etc.
English in the world: Eating
10 руб.
Lesson 42 Quantity: some, any, much, a few, etc.
Quantity expressions: slice of, etc.
10 руб.
Lesson 43 Read and speak: A diet
but and however
Pronunciation: The letter i
10 руб.
Lesson 44 Story: That`s Life! Episode 6 I don`t believe it!
Expressing annoyance
10 руб.
Lesson 45 Shops: an estate agent`s, a hardware shop, etc.
Word building 3: a stationery shop
Pronunciation: Silent syllables
10 руб.
Lesson 46 Comparatives and superlatives 10 руб.
Lesson 47 Listen and write: Where do you normally shop?
not as ... as
10 руб.
Lesson 48 In a clothes shop: Can I try this shirt on, please?
too / enough
English in the world: Bargains
10 руб.
Lesson 49 Money: a cheque, a PIN number, etc.
pay (for / by); lend / borrow
English in the world: Cash machines
10 руб.
Lesson 50 Future with will 10 руб.
Lesson 51 Read and speak: What will the future be like?
Expressing opinions 2: I think / don`t think ...
Pronunciation: Sentence stress
10 руб.
Lesson 52 Story: That`s Life! Episode 7 Decision time
Talking about money problems
10 руб.
Lesson 53 Activities: scuba-diving, doing DIY, etc.
10 руб.
Lesson 54 First conditional
Pronunciation: won`t and want
10 руб.
Lesson 55 Read and speak: Holidays
Time expressions: an hour and a half, etc.
English in the world: Rush hour
10 руб.
Lesson 56 Booking a hotel room
English in the world: Hotel signs
10 руб.
Lesson 57 In the office: a printer, do some filing, etc.
Office activities: send an email, have a break, etc.
10 руб.
Lesson 58 Obligation: must, have to, mustn`t, don`t have to
Pronunciation: must / mustn`t
10 руб.
Lesson 59 Listen and speak:Commuters
Time expressions: an hour and a half, etc.
English in the world: Rush hour
10 руб.
Lesson 60 Story: That`s life! Episode 8 The email
Greeting a visitor
10 руб.
Lesson 61 In the home: kettle, a clock radio, etc.
Subject / object questions
10 руб.
Lesson 62 Advice: should / shouldn`t
English in the world: Warning signs
10 руб.
Lesson 63 Read and write: I promise to love, honour, and wash up!
Expressing opinions 3
10 руб.
Lesson 64 Describing faults: It`s damaged, etc.
Dealing with faults
Pronunciation: Negative auxiliary verbs
10 руб.
Lesson 65 Materials: plastic, wool, metal, etc.
Word building 4: a leather belt, etc.
Pronunciation: Sentence stress
10 руб.
Lesson 66 Passives 10 руб.
Lesson 67 Listen and write: Festivals
English in the world: Greeting cards
10 руб.
Lesson 68 Story: That`s Life! Episode 9 We must stop her!
Responding to information
10 руб.
Lesson 69 Computers: an icon, an attachment, etc.
English in the world: Website addresses
10 руб.
Lesson 70 Relative clauses 10 руб.
Lesson 71 Read and write: Love online 10 руб.
Lesson 72 Asking what things are called
Pronunciation: /s/ or /z/
10 руб.
Lesson 73 Phrasal verbs: put on, break down, etc. 10 руб.
Lesson 74 Present perfect: for and since
Pronunciation: Vowel sounds
10 руб.
Lesson 75 Listen and speak: A TV chat show
English in the world: Reunions
10 руб.
Lesson 76 Story: That`s Life! Episode 10 It`s too late!
10 руб.
Lesson 77 Feelings: relaxed, worried, tired, etc.
-ed / -ing adjectives
10 руб.
Lesson 78 would; second conditional 10 руб.
Lesson 79 Read and speak: Happiness
Time expressions: at first, in the end, etc.
Pronunciation: How many syllables?
10 руб.
Lesson 80 A thank you note
Saying thank you
English in the world: Parties
10 руб.
Bonus Lesson That's Life! Epilogue
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