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Elementary Practice Lesson 2. Singular and plural. Classroom language.

1. Complete the picture crossword.

              1         2      
    4                 5  
        6   7 8        
  10   11   12

2. Complete the table.

Singular a bag a box a man
Plural two three two women four children three people two

3a. Match the questions in the box with the pictures. Complete the answers to the questions.
Use They're or It's.

What's that?
What are those?
What are these?
What's this?
1. A: ?
    B: a pen.
2. A: ?
    B: pencils.
3. A: ?
    B: a bag.
4. A: ?
    B: CDs.

4a. Complete the questions. Choose the correct words. Match the questions with the correct answers.

  1. What 'British' mean?
  2. How do you 'por favor' in English?
  3. do you say this word?
  4. How do you 'door'?
  1. It's D-double-O-R.
  2. It means 'from Britain'.
  3. It's /bɔ:d/.
  4. We say 'please'.

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